How To Know If Your SEO Firm Is Helping You or Hurting You

How To Know If Your SEO Firm Is Helping You or Hurting You

An SEO firm can help or hurt your e-commerce performance, depending on its reliability, transparency, and professionalism. It’s essential to find a reliable SEO firm that will help you navigate the digital realm and put your company at the top of the search engine rankings. Check out these tips on how to know if your SEO firm is helping you or hurting you so that you know what to look for.

Good Communication

The main way that SEO firms help clients is through constant communication. When you work with an SEO firm, you form a partnership centered on transparency, communication, and honesty. You should never feel as though you’re pulling teeth to get a response from your account manager. Instead, the partnership should feel as though your SEO firm is an extension of your boardroom. It should listen intently to your ideas and work with your goals and expectations to drive the metrics needed to boost your SEO rankings.

You Know What To Expect

A reliable SEO firm provides clear expectations and deliverables. Some SEO companies may provide vague metrics—which can leave you confused about your website’s performance—without explaining what exactly they’re doing to grow organic traffic for your website. This is a clear sign of a harmful partnership. Contrarily, you should feel as though your SEO firm is tailoring its services based on your priorities. Your organic goals should align clearly with the deliverables meant to achieve them. Content remains a significant asset to SEO rankings, so consistent deliverables must remain at the forefront of any SEO firm’s operations.

If your SEO agency is working with you to establish clear KPIs while being clear about what deliverables you will receive month to month to achieve your goals, you are in great shape!  Keeping your larger marketing goals in mind will lead to both a happy partnership and success for your business.

The Metrics Speak for Themselves

As we mentioned, some of the most telltale signs on how to know if your SEO firm is helping you or hurting you are your metric analytics. Transparent SEO firms disclose all metrics through continuous reports to ensure a constant positive feedback loop for everyone involved. You should expect to hear the long-standing SEO line when it comes to growth: “SEO takes time.” This is true, but your SEO representative should be able to show you the results of their recommended changes.

For example, if your SEO company changes your title tags, meta descriptions, and headers and supplements a page with new content, then in a few weeks, they should be able to show you growth of that page in terms of keyword rankings and impressions. This growth is representative of the success that your business should see in forthcoming quarters.

Human Connection

Lastly, clients often partner with SEO firms only to discover little human interaction is involved. This is one way to spot a poorly tailored service. Instead, you should feel calm in knowing that your data, metrics, and success will come with openness and consumer-driven feedback. SEO isn’t perfect, and metrics may dip at times. However, a responsible, trustworthy SEO firm knows when to bear bad news and provide resolutions for moving forward. The last thing you want is to receive a promise of success and yet see issues down the line.

Logical Position offers search engine optimization services to help your company expand its potential. With our local and national packages tailored to Google Ads, Facebook, Amazon, SEO, email, and website development, you’ll see that we strive for exceptional customer engagement and loyalty. We’re just a quick phone call, email, or message away, so contact us today to schedule a free consultation on your business’s digital outreach.

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