Ways To Target Your Social Media Ads to Generation Z

Ways To Target Your Social Media Ads to Generation Z

It’s absolutely no secret that marketing to Gen Z can be very difficult at times. We might see the trends they are drawn to, but we don’t always fully understand them. A significant reason for this is because this generation has grown up with the internet, smartphones, and social media, so it all comes much more naturally to them. On top of that, they value authenticity, diversity, and social consciousness more than any generation before them.

For marketers and social media managers, understanding these nuances and learning how to craft content that speaks to their unique preferences is crucial. Fortunately for you, we’re here to help. In this guide, we’ll explore four of the most effective strategies for using social media ads to target Gen Z. That way, you can boost sales in a way that makes a notable difference.

Pay Attention to Representation

In an era where representation matters more than ever, ensuring your creative assets reflect the diversity of your intended audience is paramount. For Gen Z, seeing themselves accurately represented in ads fosters a sense of inclusion and relevance, making them more likely to make a purchase. Meta’s recent changes to audience targeting mean you need to be even more precise with your creative efforts.

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Creative Is the New Targeting

With tighter audience limitations on platforms like Meta, your creative assets must work harder. The visuals, language, and themes you use should resonate deeply with Gen Z. This involves crafting content that mirrors their experiences, culture, and values. From the imagery to the messaging, everything should feel authentic and relatable.

Include Gen Z in Your Ads

One of the most effective ways to ensure your ads resonate is by including Gen Z in the creation process. This could mean featuring Gen Z individuals in your content or collaborating with young creators to develop authentic, engaging material. Involving them directly can provide invaluable insights and result in content that truly speaks to their peers.

Put Effort Into Your Content

Authenticity is a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot in marketing, but for Gen Z, it’s non-negotiable. This generation can spot inauthenticity from a mile away, and they’re not afraid to call it out. To capture their attention, your content needs to feel genuine and relevant.

Make Sure the Content Speaks Directly to the Audience

Your content should address the concerns, interests, and aspirations of Gen Z. This involves more than just using trendy slang or memes—it’s about understanding what they care about and why. Whether it’s social justice, climate change, or mental health, your content should reflect these priorities in a way that feels sincere and informed.

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Build Your Creative Assets Around What Your Audience Cares About

Taking the time to understand your audience’s values and interests will allow you to create content that resonates. Use insights from social listening tools to gauge what topics are trending among Gen Z and tailor your creative assets accordingly. This might mean creating educational content, sharing stories that inspire, or showcasing how your brand aligns with their values.

Partner With Influencers That Align With Your Brand

Influencer partnerships can be incredibly effective when targeting Gen Z. However, it’s crucial to choose influencers who genuinely align with your brand and its values. Since Gen Z places a high value on authenticity, any hint of a disingenuous partnership can backfire. Make sure you collaborate with influencers who have built trust with their followers and can authentically endorse your brand.

Utilize a Range of Ad Types

Variety is essential when it comes to capturing the attention of Gen Z. This generation consumes content across multiple formats and platforms, so a one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it. To maximize engagement, invest in a diverse range of social media ad types as a way to effectively target Gen Z.

Invest in All Forms of Creative Content

While video content is hugely popular, don’t overlook the power of other formats. Static images, animations, carousels, and interactive ads can all play a role in your strategy. Each type of content has its strengths and can be used to achieve different objectives, from driving awareness to encouraging conversions.

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Using the Right Asset at the Right Time in the Right Place

Understanding how to deploy different types of content is key to effective advertising. For instance, short, snappy reels might perform well on TikTok and Instagram Stories, while more detailed carousel ads could be better suited for Facebook. More importantly, we recommend leveraging multiple ad types in each campaign to provide the algorithm with more options to serve ad types that resonate with various consumer profiles. Constant bombardment doesn’t work as well with this generation, so be sure to tailor your content strategy accordingly to ensure you’re reaching Gen Z on their terms, not yours.

Take the Time To Find the Right Communities

Gen Z thrives on community. They seek out spaces where they can connect with like-minded individuals and feel a sense of belonging. To effectively target this audience, you need to find and engage with these communities.

Advertise Where They Consume Media

Gen Z spends a significant amount of time on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. These are the spaces where they engage with content, discover new brands, and form opinions. You absolutely must utilize these platforms and tailor your ads to the format and style that performs best on each. If you’re unfamiliar with a particular platform, like Instagram, for example, you can utilize Instagram advertising services that know the ins and outs better to help you effectively find your audience.

Have Platform-Specific Performance Goals

Different platforms serve different purposes within your marketing funnel. For an in-depth example, let’s look at the differences between TikTok and YouTube, two of the most popular video-sharing apps used by this generation.

  • TikTok: Use TikTok to build brand awareness and reach a broad audience with engaging viral content. Create fun and creative short videos that resonate with trends, encouraging users to share and interact with your brand. This is a great way to attract potential customers and introduce them to your products or services. TikTok Logo
  • YouTube: Leverage YouTube for longer-form content that tells your brand story and builds a deeper connection with viewers. Use this platform to create tutorials, behind-the-scenes looks, or product reviews that provide value and insight into your brand. Engaging storytelling and visually appealing content can effectively capture attention, inviting viewers to explore further. YouTube Logo

Authenticity Wins Loyalty

In an era dominated by AI and overly polished content, authenticity has become a powerful differentiator. As briefly mentioned before, authenticity is key to reaching Gen Z, but how should you go about achieving that? In many cases, this comes down to showing that your brand is relatable, even if that means showing some imperfections.

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Low-Budget Production With an Individual Speaking Directly to the Audience

Sometimes, less is more. Low-budget production can actually enhance your authenticity if it comes across as genuine. Videos shot on a smartphone, unedited footage, and personal messages from individuals within your brand can build trust and relatability. Just make sure you still put in the effort to make it compelling content.

Respond to Comments and Own Your Shortcomings

Engagement doesn’t stop once your ad goes live. Actively responding to comments and engaging with your audience shows that you value their input and are committed to a two-way conversation. Owning up to any mistakes and transparently addressing issues can also strengthen your relationship with Gen Z, as they appreciate brands that are accountable and transparent.

Drew Cummins

Drew Cummins, Manager of Paid Social Strategy

Drew Cummins is the Manager of Paid Social Strategy at Logical Position, where he leads the development and execution of high-impact social media campaigns. With a passion for data-driven marketing, Drew collaborates closely with clients to align paid social strategies with their business goals, driving meaningful engagement and profitable growth. When he’s not optimizing ad performance, you’ll find him hitting the links with friends or out exploring new trails with his two dogs.

Logical Position

Logical Position, an Inc. 500 digital agency supporting 5,000+ clients across North America. LP is the proud recipient of Google’s Lead Generation Premier Partner of the Year award! The award-winning agency offers full-service PPC management, SEO, Paid Social, Amazon and Creative Services for businesses large and small. As a Google Premier Partner, Microsoft Elite Partner & Meta Business Partner, LP is in the top 1% of ad spend managed across platforms.

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