SEO Strategies for Multi-Location Businesses

SEO Strategies for Multi-Location Businesses

Running a business is challenging. So much work goes into keeping up with the competition, especially when you run more than one location. Getting to the top of the results page for relevant searches is essential to finding and capturing new business. Check out these SEO strategies for multi-location businesses.

Considerations for Multi-Location Businesses

Multi-location businesses have a unique set of considerations. While your company may cover a large region or even be nationwide, your advertising efforts should still focus on the local area. Treating each of your locations as a local business is vital to marketing efforts.

When you run your multi-location business website without considering the individual locations, it can quickly confuse search engines and make it more challenging to rank for any of your targeted keywords in your desired areas. It can also make using Google My Business tricky.

Set Up Google My Business

Setting up a Google My Business for each business location is an essential part of honing your search engine optimization. This helps Google separate each location and understand where each should show results for.

Here are some Google My Business tips:

  • Make a GMB listing for each location with unique content.
  • Stay active on each listing by responding to comments, adding information, and updating it regularly.
  • Ensure the location is correct on each listing.

Put Content on Every Page

There are countless benefits to adding content to a website. Every page on your website needs content. Though many business owners strive to achieve the “minimalist” look on their pages, content serves a fundamental purpose in rankings; without content, Google and other search engines cannot decipher what that page, or the website as a whole, is about.

Here are some content tips for better SEO:

  • Create a dedicated landing page for each location.
  • Put unique, location-centric content on each of those location pages.
  • Specify what services or products are available at the locations on the corresponding pages.
  • Target location-based keywords on each page.
  • Prioritize content quality and clarity—make it easy for Google and users to understand what your business does and where you service.

Correct NAPs Across the Web

NAP stands for name, address, phone number. These are the fundamental forms of contact that businesses list online and other online databases list to index companies. It is vital that every instance of each location of your company across the web has accurate NAPs. If an online database lists a location of yours incorrectly, it can confuse search engines and affect your rankings both locally and overall.

Consider using a service to scour the internet and correct any missing or incorrect NAP information for each location your business has.

Pro Tip: An SEO agency can help with this by recommending a third-party service or handling it in-house.

How an Agency Can Help

SEO can be time-consuming for owners of multi-location businesses. Working with a professional SEO agency alleviates the stress of keeping up with multiple web pages and Google My Business listings.

Here at Logical Position, we prioritize our client’s needs. We create a clear strategy for our clients with a well-researched keyword plan. Our professional writing staff and SEO experts can help your business reach its goals. Contact us today for a free consultation on our local SEO packages.

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