About Locke Buildings

Locke Buildings is a leading designer and manufacturer of commercial, residential and agricultural pole buildings. Their dedicated staff of experts are committed to delivering the best experience possible built to your exact specifications. By working with a variety of contractors throughout their local market, they ensure trusted outcomes by using high quality materials combined with years of pole building experience that goes into every kit.
Problem Statement
A key differentiator for Locke Buildings is their 3D software that enables custom renderings to ensure the finished product meets customer expectations. Their marketing efforts, however, were handled in-house and lacked the same proficiency, so they reached out to LP to figure out how they could strategically capture more market share and grow new client acquisitions.
Increase leads via their 3D Designer
Refine geo targeting strategy and capabilities
Development proper campaign tracking

We started by implementing proper tracking in GA4 to understand the customer journey and marketing attribution model. This allowed us to segment our campaigns more granularly and focus on specific counties and zip codes that produced more contacts. To achieve this, we used an API to connect analytics to their 3D mapping platform to capture users interacting with their software. With accurate data in-hand, our team was able to allocate budget to high performing keywords with exact phrase match to increase leads and conversions for Locke Buildings.

Microsoft Advertising
Locke is a great example of a client benefitting from less competition on MS advertising, allowing them to take advantage of new audiences at a lower cost per acquisition. By leveraging a small amount of their budget on MS they can improve their overall return targets and allow them to be more aggressive in the market.
Business Impact
As online advertising has become the focal point of their overall marketing strategy, Locke Buildings is beginning to develop their eCommerce storefront. This will enable them to continue to scale their residential and commercial business respectively, while growing the scope of their overall operation and providing better solutions for their customers.
Account TrendCost Per Acquisition : Conversions
By applying the same precision to their digital marketing strategies, Locke Buildings has been able to close the gap on their advertising efforts and generate new business at scale. Ultimately, their initial account audit provided an opportunity for our team to make suggestions on ways to improve their attribution and intentionally engage new prospects more likely to convert.
If your business is ready to build on all your hardwork and take your digital marketing to the next level, reach out today for a complimentary account review to learn about opportunities your business can take advantage of.