Synthetic Grass Masters is a synthetic turf company based in Peoria, Arizona, that offers synthetic grass installation, sun screens for homes, and backyard paving solutions. The dry, arid Arizona climate is not conducive for real grass lawns, making Grass Masters a great choice for homeowners and businesses alike. The company offers an extended warranty, a price match guarantee, and financing; the excellent customer service has helped Grass Masters make a name for themselves in the turf industry.
Why Did They Choose LP?
Grass Masters had been working with a local digital marketing agency, and had been seeing some results, but didn’t feel like the partnership was a good fit. Grass Masters’s owner, Sina, didn’t feel like the agency had enough time to dedicate to Grass Masters. The agency wasn’t always available, wasn’t transparent, and wasn’t ever getting in contact with Grass Masters about how their account was doing. The partnership was further hindered by lead tracking; when a lead came in, the old agency would email Sina, and Sina would reach out to the lead from there. This wasn’t a fluid process and resulted in many of the leads not turning into sales.

Grass Masters parted ways with their old agency, and decided to begin a partnership with Logical Position (LP). LP tracks leads differently—we send our advertisements directly to the quote form on Grass Masters’s website and to Sina’s direct phone line. Sina was very hesitant to trust another digital marketing agency, and initially wanted to talk to his Account Manager once a week. His initial goal was to receive 2-3 calls per day from paid search.
What Was the Strategy
Our paid search team started by identifying Grass Masters’s target audience, which was wide in its scope: anyone from contractors, to the average homeowner, to gardeners could be interested in synthetic grass. Since they’re a local business, they have a limited service area, so our team dialed in the location targeting to ensure Grass Masters is saturating the paid search market in the counties they serve. Next, we implemented Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSAs), which allows Google to observe different types of audiences. Our team is able to see how certain audiences (such as Homeowners and Engaged Users) are acting on the Grass Masters website— how much time these audiences are spending on the site, what pages they’re clicking on, etc. We’re even able to increase bids on specific audiences that we’re seeing solid engagement from.
Once our paid search campaigns got off the ground, our team decided to try setting the campaigns to maximize conversions—meaning, we’d use an automated bidding strategy. Google Ads campaigns need to see a decent number of conversions for this strategy to work— which Grass Masters had—so that Google has enough of your campaign data to evaluate. The maximize conversions strategy sets the bid in real time as Grass Masters is going into the Google auction, and having lots of conversions meant that Google Ads was able to accurately choose bids based on which ad auctions seemed most profitable for Grass Masters.

As more leads came in, Grass Masters decided to ramp up their ad spend. Our team had already successfully saturated their target market in Arizona, so we put the additional funds toward Microsoft Advertising—a whole new platform that increased Grass Masters’s brand awareness and customer base.
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Grass Masters considered cancelling their services with us to save money. We convinced them to stay, believing that consumers would use this time to start projects they’ve been putting off for years—like investing in an synthetic turf lawn. LP’s team knew it was a scary and confusing time for everyone, so we decided to infuse our advertising with a little bit of humor, using phrases like “Quaran-Turf” and “Might As Well Enjoy Your Lawn While You’re Stuck At Home” to entice buyers.
What Were the Results
Our lighthearted ads and hunch to stick with it paid off well for Grass Masters. We’ve met Sina’s initial goal of 2-3 phone calls per day, generating 568 conversions in the last 6 months. Conversions are up 215% in the last 6 months compared to the previous period—and that happened during a pandemic. During this time, spend has only increased 26%, a miniscule percentage considering the huge increase in leads.
Business is good for Grass Masters, and still getting better. The last 6 months have generated 17,000 new users on the Grass Masters website thanks to paid search. The company has even started expanding into additional Arizona counties, which serves to further drive their revenue. Sina has been so busy focusing on running his business that he hasn’t spoken to his Account Manager on the phone for 6 months, a far cry from his initial desire to speak with his AM once a week, and validating the level of trust our partnership is fostering.
Now, Sina says a monthly email from his AM detailing Grass Masters’s great results will suffice— he knows we’re always just a phone call away if he needs us.