PPC Posts

Bing Ads vs Google AdWords: A Match Made for Success

Marketing Strategy

Bing Ads vs Google AdWords: A Match Made for Success

In the digital marketing world, the terms “PPC” and “Google AdWords” are interchangeable– you hear one, and think of the other. While we all know [...]

By: Shelby Goldstein | December 8, 2017

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4 Quick Ways to Make the Most of your AdWords Campaigns


4 Quick Ways to Make the Most of your AdWords Campaigns

As a small business owner or marketing manager, chances are, you wear many different hats. While you’re running around, juggling numerous responsibilities, the idea of [...]

By: Shelby Goldstein | June 1, 2017

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How to make money with Google AdWords: 7 Steps to Building Your Own Money-Making Machine


How to make money with Google AdWords: 7 Steps to Building Your Own Money-Making Machine

Much like the saying “money can’t buy you happiness,” money can’t buy you a profitable AdWords campaign. If only it were that simple.  [...]

By: Shelby Goldstein | May 11, 2017

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Understanding Keyword Match Types in AdWords


Understanding Keyword Match Types in AdWords

The concept behind AdWords search campaigns is simple. Someone searches for a product or service you offer, your ad appears, they click on it and [...]

By: Shelby Goldstein | March 15, 2017

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Fighting Off Fake Traffic: Ghost Referrals

In Google Analytics, you might have noticed lately a surge in sessions. At first glance you may attribute the increase to holiday traffic. However, before [...]

By: Benjamin Hong | December 6, 2016

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Thinking Bing Part II: 5 Things to Know About Bing Ads

Advanced Marketing Strategy

Thinking Bing Part II: 5 Things to Know About Bing Ads

At first glance, the Bing Ads interface might seem like the AdWords interface with a different font and color scheme. While to a great extent [...]

By: Cate Patricolo | August 31, 2016

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