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Seven Days to Deploy a Virtual Team During COVID-19

News & Updates

Seven Days to Deploy a Virtual Team During COVID-19

Everything changed over the course of a week in March 2020. When it became clear that the COVID-19 outbreak was becoming a pandemic, and would [...]

By: Tony Palazzo | April 7, 2020

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Creative Ways Companies Are Currently Serving Clients


Creative Ways Companies Are Currently Serving Clients

COVID-19’s exponential trajectory has forced Americans to “shelter in place” and many businesses to shut their doors. The stock market has also taken a substantial [...]

By: Lindsey Stier | April 1, 2020

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The Importance of Digital Marketing During Uncertain Times

Marketing Strategy

The Importance of Digital Marketing During Uncertain Times

Only a few months ago, we began to hear an uneasy whisper of a mysterious illness that rapidly evolved into a pandemic. This has placed [...]

By: Eric Scriven | March 19, 2020

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Global Recession – Pull Back or Push All in?

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Global Recession – Pull Back or Push All in?

Last year, my talk was about what business owners should be doing in a changing economy. Logic dictated that the longest economic expansion in US [...]

By: Ryan Garrow | March 19, 2020

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The Logical Position 2019 Holiday Shopping Report

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The Logical Position 2019 Holiday Shopping Report

While the 2019 holiday shopping season has come and gone, digital marketers are only just beginning to dig through the final numbers. This end-of-year post-mortem [...]

By: Brian Aldrich | February 25, 2020

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Why Local Businesses Need Digital Marketing

Marketing Strategy

Why Local Businesses Need Digital Marketing

In today’s professional environment, digital marketing is essential for growing your business. Your profits can easily plateau without it, which can cause your competitors to [...]

By: Peter Spangle | January 30, 2020

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